
The Problem

Way too much $ spent on preventable chronic disease.

According to the American Heart Association, an estimated 25%-30% of company's medical costs are spent on employees with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and strokes, including cigarette smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, physical inactivity and diabetes. 


The Problem

When employees are sick or injured, it puts a strain on everyone.

Sally called in sick again. Sam won’t be on the crew today. Who can we get to cover John again? According to the Nat’l Library of Medicine, consuming a high-quality diet and engaging in moderate levels of physical activity reduced the frequency of absenteeism by 50% and 36% respectively


The Problem

Lazy? No, our culture is fighting against us.

Modern conveniences and the type of work that many engage in have led to a far more sedentary life than 50 years ago. Today’s diet consists of less fiber, fewer fruits and vegetables and more meat, sugar, fats and vitamins than 100 years ago. Fast food preaches “have it your way”. Rampant restaurants with larger portion, too much salt, and processed foods are the convenient norm more now than anytime in the history of the world. Lazy? No, we need to recognize the cultural aspect of our current individual health. How? Our simple & short educational modules are a great start to help us recognize & react in a positive way.


Our Solutions


Well-loved, healthy meal plans and easy cooking app for busy employees


Award-winning & Science-based employee wellness package

Wellness Program Results

  • Healthier, happier employees
  • Lower healthcare cost
  • Positive return on wellness investment

Get healthy meals plus a comprehensive wellness program

Introducing the ‘whole enchilada’ of wellness programs!

Option 1 is the simplest way to incentivize your team to eat healthy, diet-specific meals at home as well as make positive behavior changes through fun and simple activities and learning modules. They earn points that become prizes but their greatest reward is a healthier mind and body.

  • Customized incentives motivates better health
  • Effective diabetic specific education and incentives
  • Employees choose where to improve (Physical Activity, Emotional Wellbeing, Healthy Eating & more)
  • Tools to make eating healthy happen
  • Loads your shopping list and/or online shopping cart
  • Empowers entire household to participate in prepping healthy meals
  • Learning modules are short and effective
  • Offers plan to stop tobacco and vaping use
  • Incentivizes to reduce soda and energy drink consumption
  • Incentivizes consistent exercising
  • Incentivizes mindfulness & stress mgmt actions
  • Personal health assessments and/or biometric screening
  • Very doable for your employees to improve. Culture building
  • Very doable to implement. Our system & team do all of the heavy lifting.
  • Monthly reporting
  • Aggregate health data for negotiating health insurance
  • Evidence & science based
  • Health coaching as an add on
Get healthy meals plus an exercise tracker

Employer can reward employees by paying for their healthy groceries loaded by us.

The Dinnerhub guides their healthy cooking w/ pictures & videos and easy steps to follow.

Your company selects the $ amount of groceries offered & only pay for those who actually use this benefit.

  • Ensures healthy eating at home by loading healthy ingredients into carts
  • Cool perk! Attracts & retains top talent
  • Creates a healthy work-life balance
  • Solves “Ugh, what’s for dinner?” so less eating out occurs
  • Saves time & money from not having to go into the store
  • Caters to dietary need & shopping preference (organic, name brand, etc.)
  • Nutritional #’s calculated for you
  • Employees can add their own recipes
  • Can be a customized offering specific to a certain employee level
  • Can either ber added as a one time reward or an ongoing weekly benefit

This benefit = high employee engagement in wellness.

The Perfect Perk. Giving Groceries + The Dinnerhub = Happier, Healthier Employees

Get healthy meals added to your existing wellness package

Already have a wellness program?

If so, give your employees the simplest way to eat more healthy, diet-specific meals at home.

  • Auto-fill ingredients for tasty, simple meal plans to your shopping list w/ the touch of a button
  • Because you can “out-eat” the benefits of any physical exercise, this option simplifies the dinner, lunch, & breakfast process, making cooking easy!
  • Quarterly reports showing participation
  • Adds an industry leading dietary component, tailored to the needs of each employee, to your wellness program
  • This dietary component is also included in options 1 & 2
Get healthy meals added to your existing wellness package

Why are we the easiest wellness program for you to implement?
We do all of the heavy lifting!

Why are we the easiest wellness program for you to implement? We do all of the heavy lifting!

We know you are busy and probably don’t have time for an awesome wellness program. Don’t worry, we get it! Our Account Managers and Wellness Guides take care of:

  • Designing your program
  • Getting your employees excited and engaged
  • Answering questions from your employees
  • Giving you reports
  • Working with you and your insurance carrier/broker to come up with ways to decrease your insurance spend based on the health of your population
  • We are your partner in being proactive with the health of your greatest asset, your employees. Healthier employees leads to lower insurance costs, better productivity & stronger company culture.

Healthy Meals, Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies

Healthy Meals, Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies

Healthy Meals, Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies

Other Valuable Insights

Are you a decision maker for your company’s HR or benefits?

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About us

About us
The Dinner Hub

I was a fortunate child. While not a crazy wealthy upbringing, we did have regular meals with my family of 5 siblings and Mom and Dad. Feeling inspired to simplify the process of getting dinner on the table for busy families and having a great friend named Chef Vaughn Hobbs, a few bucks from Dad, and Mom’s passion for family dinner, I started a meal delivery company. In 2017, we recognized that we could now use technology to load the ingredients for our meals directly into the online shopping carts of our clients instead of delivering the measured-out ingredients to their front porch. This new approach still made cooking meals easy and saved our clients a lot of $. Chantele caught the vision and excitedly helped us build the app. Tanna oversaw filling online shopping carts. Megan came on board and added invaluable nutritional insight.

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Kevin joined to mentor us in reaching out to employers. A client relationship introduced us to WellSteps and we quickly saw how a collaboration of The Dinnerhub + WellSteps could benefit more good people through their employers! Employers were spending big money on health insurance. We saw that with The Dinnerhub + WellSteps, employers could reallocate their current insurance spend toward proactively incentivizing good health in their organization. It was a no brainer, right! Did an employer want to pay for ER visits or invest in The Dinnerhub + WellSteps and avoid these expensive events and insurance increases? We are so excited to help you make healthy happen for your employees! It is because of good companies like yours that have a higher vision of what they can do for their employees that we are growing.

Our Vision

Mindful employers participating in significantly reducing chronic disease by incentivizing willing employees

Our Mission

We accomplish this as we:


The process of getting dinner on the table through technology, leading to healthier eating


Employees to take control of physical and emotional health


With emotional health techniques to help better manage stress and other education modules


To stop using tobacco and other harmful substances


Through corporate wellness, drawings, and reduction in health care premiums

Provide Return on Investment

Healthier you and me’s lead to lower health insurance costs and greater productivity for employers

At our core is the desire to do good, Why? As Jim Collins teaches simply….because we believe that we can! We have felt the stirring and invite you to join us! Let’s Make Healthy Happen!

Kip, Founder

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Make Healthy Happen for Your Employees

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